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image of the Electric Tabulating System<br />(The Tabulator)
Electric Tabulating System
(The Tabulator)
  Overview        Card Codes        Occupation Codes        Birthplace Codes        Why Take a Census?

1890 Census: The Meaning of the Hollerith Card Codes

Viewed from today, the 1890 census contained quite a few oddities. It was the first, and only, census that attempted to count the number of Civil War veterans who were still living. Another notable difference was the governments approach to race, especially for Blacks. When asking about race, the government used W for caucasion, B for Negro, Mu for Mulatto (one black parent and one white parent), Qd for Quadroon (one black grandparent and three white grandparents) and Oc for Octoroon (one black great-grandparent and seven white great-grandparents). That category system was never used again in the US Census. The government also counted Indians, In, but not all Indians. The Census only counted "civilized Indians" and that was defined as those Indians who payed taxes!

The level of education that we see now was not common in 1890. The census taker had codings for those who could read, those who could write and those who could do both.

Hollerith Card: This is a reader card which showed the coding for each potential punched hole.
(Hollerith Card: This is a reader card which showed the coding for each potential punched hole.)

Hollerith Card: This is a color-coded key for the meaning of the codes used on the 1890 Hollerith Card.
(Hollerith Card: This is a color-coded key for the meaning of the codes used on the 1890 Hollerith Card. See the chart below.)


Field 1

Civil War Veterans

CM, CL, CS      Marine, Sailor, Soldier

UM, UL, US     Marine, Sailor, Soldier

Confederate Army

United States Army

Field 2

Relationship (family)

Hd   Head of Household

Wf   Wife

Mb  Member of family

O     Other

Field 3


Jp    Japanese

Ch   Chinese

B     Negro

W    White

In     Civilized Indian (taxpaying)

Mu   Mulatto

Qd    Quadroon

Oc     Octoroon

Field 4


Male or Female


Field 5 & 6

Your Age

Combination of numbers

Un     Unknown

0        if under 1 year old

Mo     # of months if a baby

Field 7

Conjugal Condition

Dv      Divorced

Un      Unknown

Wd     Widow/Widower

Sg       Single

Mr      Married more than 1 year

CY       Married this year

               (in the Census Year)

Field 8

# of Children born

Up to 19 children


Field 9

# of Children alive

Up to 19 children


Field 10 & 11

Your birthplace

Combination of upper case letters

and lower case letters

St      birth was in state of residence

Un     Unknown

Field 12

Mother’s  birthplace

Two Letter Country Codes


Field 13

Father’s  birthplace

Two Letter Country Codes


Field 14

# of years in the US



Field 15

Citizenship for Foreign-born

Al      Alien

Na     Naturalized citizen

Pa      First Papers submitted

Un     Unknown

Field 16 & 17


Combination of upper case letters  and lower case letters

NG    Not Gainfully employed or

          in School

Field 18


1-12  Months unemployed




Field 19


OK     Can read and write

W      Can read but not write

R        Can write but not read


1-9    Number of months in school

0        Not in school

Field 20

Language Spoken

Un     Understand English?

En      English

Ot       Other

Ft       Father’s language

Mt      Mother’s language


Field 21


Fh       Farm Hired (Rented)

FM      Farm Owned (w/ mortgage)

Ff       Farm owned Free and clear

X         Does not apply

Hh      Home Hired (Rented)

Hf       Home owned Free and clear

Hm     Home Owned (w/ mortgage)


Far Left Side


State, county, city,  local divisions and

Enumerator District